ASCEND’s Outreach Program focuses on individuals within the community who need support and guidance. Our goal is to connect with these individuals and to see what his or her needs are to connect them to the right services.
As of right now our focus is on forensic and criminal justice involved folks (LEAMHRS).
However, at ASCEND we are hoping to grow and provide more need support as the program gets more funding and support to include more community outreach.
LEAMHRS – Law Enforcement Addiction & Mental Health Referral System
LEAMHRS is an new outreach program that allows police departments to refer individuals to an outreach specialist for assistance in obtaining the appropriate services.
ASCEND works with Glens Falls Police Department, Hudson Falls Police Department, Warren and Washington County Sheriff’s Offices, Warren and Washington County Jails, Warren County DSS, and Warren and Washington County Probation Offices.
Our outreach specialists will connect with these individuals and see what his or her needs are for mental health or substance abuse services, as well as their social determinants of health and what they are lacking and need to be connected to.
Individuals can be referred to through social services, care management and medical services based on need. Assistance with obtaining health insurance and emergency housing are available.
LEAMHRS continues to help grow the relationships through other community entities for referral services.